Saturday, March 3, 2012


Okay I know everyone is entitled to your own opinion about things and this personally is my opinion. The whole message, quote, thing that has popped up on Facebook and a ridiculous amount of people are posting and tagging them, I happen to find it absolutely stupid. Okay the ones that are completely sarcastic and have been around for a while now those I do enjoy and get a good chuckle out of because frankly they are funny.

The ones talking about being a parent, wife, husband, girlfriend...I find to be the most annoying and pointless thing ever. Seriously you find the need to post them on your Facebook, why? Nobody cares. Yeah you may get that one person to like them because they are as annoying as you and post them up too. But really if you had such a great relationship with that person wouldn't make more sense to tell them those things versus thinking 'oh so and so' is going to get on Facebook read this smile and think oh 'Oh thank you for posting that "amazing" ' message. Get real say something YOU actually mean versus something that somebody else has said. How much meaning does you wasting pathetic time looking at those message to tag someone in versus actually taking the time to write your OWN personal message. Just a thought.

No this isn't directed at anyone in particular but if you do this then I'm sure you are in the category that I think are pathetic, annoying, and the type of person I either completely hide or delete as a friend.

Yes some of them I do enjoy looking at. But when its the one's about family or whatever and you are directing at a specific person..COME ON! I'm pretty sure that person doesn't care and I'm pretty sure nobody else does either. Stop wasting your time.

That is one of the things I have come to hate, things are no longer personable. Sorry but I much rather express how I feel in my own words and tell that person exactly how I feel. And really if your sitting there posting those do you really have that good of a relationship? Or are you faking something and trying to make everyone think that you do?

Sorry just annoyed. And don't take offense this isn't directed at anyone in particular. But all these groups that have popped up from searching the internet that putting up these stupid things so other people can re-share them. Really? Find something more productive to do with your day. No not referring to Pinterest because I have enjoyed that for many many months now. Not at all the same!

End of rant for the day...Who knows its still early maybe something else will "pop" up that I think really??

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