Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Precious things come in 3's!

Lexie Carson Feldhahn

I just think Billy and I are so incredibly lucky. We are so lucky that we have had an easy time at conceiving some special little miracles. You can now make that 3 girls for us. Lexie Carson will be joining our hoard of little ladies and we couldn't be more thrilled. I am 17 weeks and 1 day today. I had a 3d/4d ultrasound done yesterday and was able to surprise my husband that evening with knowing what we were having. I think knowing this makes everything that much more real. Instead of "it" its she or Lexie. We can start planning her nursery and shopping for clothes (though we don't really need to buy anything..a few random odds and ends and of course she needs her "own" clothes versus just her sisters hand me downs) We are reaching the fun stage or preparing for her arrival even though we still have a while to wait. Soon everyone else will be able to feel her little kicks. Then before we know it she will be joining us...Such a wonderful time for us and I am thankful everyday for the blessings we have been given. Especially when knowing there are so many people who have such hard times at having kids and we are lucky to soon have 3.

Both big sisters are very excited about having a little sister. Makenna loves looking at the ultrasound pictures and saying "baby" she rubs my tummy and gives it kisses. Nevaeh has become very gentle and always asks where she is and makes sure if she is going to be rough its not anywhere near my stomach. She went crazy yesterday evening when we were looking at clothes for her sister. It was absolutely adorable and makes my heart melt because even though she has her moments she is the sweetest most kind little girl and cares deeply for her sisters, her mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, and gunky. She always thinks of everyone else and wants to do nice things for them, call them, and is constantly planning an extremely long list of adventures. She is without a doubt the one who is going to keep us very busy. Makenna is a little sweetheart too but lately has been having her shy moments and then will turn around a surprise you with her smile and laugh. (Or the random word she will throw out to catch you off guard)

I am thrilled that Billy will be home soon enough so he can really start enjoying all these moments. They are both at awesome ages to really be able to enjoy spending time with them. They are constantly cracking me up with their antics, Makenna's "no's", and Nevaeh's insanely hilarious comments. They keep things interesting and always changing. I'm thankful to have these little girls in my life and to keep my company while he is away. BUT I am thrilled their daddy will be home soon to be able to take them because they are a handful! I love being able to be a parent with him without him sucks. I love all the fun we have together and soon to be able to add another to the bunch of all of us sillies is going to be fantastic. I was watching the girls take a bath tonight and all I could think is "wow before I know it I am going to have 3 of them in the tub together"...Where ever we may move we will always need a large tub. haha

This is one of those amazingly happy moments that we get to share with everyone. And I am amazed by all the LOVE and supportive people in our lives. That everyone gets just as anxious as us to know what we are having and can't wait until she is here too. We are so lucky for that as well.

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