Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Very Little Patience

Ay yi yi! I swear my patience with Nevaeh has been diminishing daily. I know she is only turning 3 but the little things that she has been doing lately to act out is starting to drive me insane! She is turning into a whiney bratty spoiled little girl and I cannot take it anymore. I know a lot of it is my doing but I think for the most part I don't let her getaway with much.

I know that the majority of it has to do with the fact that her daddy isn't here either but honestly it needs to end...SOON!

She is mean to her sister once again I know its the age. But she knows better to hit and push. She will get a time out and I will turn around and she is doing it all over again.

She is now telling me "no" when I ask her nicely to go do something. Yeah that doesn't go over real well.

She cries constantly! OMG WHYYYY?! (Same with Makenna they have become ultra sensitive to EVERYTHING!) She pouts and throws tantrums and runs into a different room.

She constantly thinks that she deserves a "treat". When she knows that the only time she gets one is IF and ONLY IF she finishes all of her dinner. No Nevaeh you don't get a treat for eating your breakfast or lunch. You may get one when you have behaved well or just because I love you and think you deserve one. Not because you think you need one. And when I say 1 treat that only means 1.

I am OVER her making bedtime difficult every single night. Or her waking up 50 billion times through the night. Or her screaming bloody murder because one of her stuffed animals fell off the bed and she refuses to get out of bed and grab it herself. Or if she does get out of bed and is standing at the bottom of the stairs and I tell her to go get back in bed she runs back screaming and has a meltdown because she got out of bed and refuses to fix her blankets when she can do it just fine herself.

UGH I am frustrated that she REFUSES to poop on the potty. She has had maybe 1 pee accident in like 2 months. And she waits until she gets her pull-up on during nap and bedtime to conveniently go. When she literally just got off the potty before we put it on. Its like routine. And I can't even just leave her in her underwear because she will poop in those or fall asleep and wet the bed. And the last thing I want to be doing in the middle of the night is cleaning that nightmare of a mess. I have even told her she would receive a reward if she started going on the potty. Yep doesn't even phase her anymore.
And the fact that babies sleep better then both the girls makes me want to rip my hair out. WHY do they wake up so much during the night? It doesn't matter if they nap early, nap late, stay up late, don't nap, run around like crazy all day. Its guaranteed Makenna will wake up and Nevaeh will too. Not to mention Nevaeh thinks that she can just come upstairs and get in bed with me..Um no you have your own bed. And why she thinks that 6am is a good time to wake up I have no clue. Or then she is up in bed with me watching cartoons she has to talk to me every 10 minutes or has to ask me something. Ugh I know she is only 3 and I should understand but I am tired (overly tired) and when its the exact same thing EVERY.SINGLE.DAY!

And if its not the girls its the damn animals. I am a slave to the 4 of them. I am pretty sure I am going crazy. And no the answer isn't getting away for a couple hours because I will still come back to the madness. I need my husband home to help and I need more then a day to get away I need a week+ of relaxation not having to think, change a diaper, wash somebodies clothes, make every single meal, clean up toys...etc. I just need a break, everyone is entitled to a break. Hell people who physically go into a job even get a vacation. So how do I not deserve one as well? 3 years and I have yet to have a break over a day. (thanks mom and dad for that) I am more then ready and that is my only real request before this next baby comes I need a break!!

I know these are little trivial things but at the end of a day they start to add up. And when you are the only one taking care of them it gets pretty damn exhausting. Being a parent isn't an easy job, raising multiple children, and having to do EVERYTHING alone plain sucks. I don't enjoy it and never will enjoy taking on every single responsibility alone. I just suck it up (most days) but I think everyone deserves their vents whenever they may need them. Judge if you want but honestly I don't care.

Now to go sit down and enjoy a few minutes of peace before I go to bed. I know in a couple hours one of them will be up...

And yes Makenna is in a stage too its not just Nevaeh but Nevaeh just happened to be the one that tipped the scale tonight...

I love my girls more then anything and I do everything and anything to make sure they are properly taken care of and happy. But that doesn't mean I don't have my overwhelming moments. And it doesn't mean I love them any less because I have these moments. They are the greatest thing to ever happen to me besides my husband. So don't get it all twisted!!

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