I really need to find something to do during the day to keep my occupied. Yes I know photography and I want to continue to pursue that. But I just mean something small I can pick up when say the girls are napping or running around in the basement like crazy ladies. Something i can pick up and go through out the day.
I am finding myself getting extremely bored. Once the weather changes that will be different because we are always outside at the park, in the backyard, or at the zoo. But since the weather still sucks I'm a bit stir crazy.
I am really contemplating teaching myself how to crochet its the only thing I can really think of doing. I love making the girls bows still but they are starting to get to the point where they really don't want to have anything to do with them. And if we end up having a boy obviously thats a no go.
I don't know how to sew...Although thats another thing I wouldn't mind learning. Baking eh I do enjoy it but I hate cleaning up the mess afterwards. To bad the girls aren't old enough to empty/load the dishwasher or wash dishes. They try but I just end up with a bigger mess then what I started with.
I can't draw or paint. Yeah I know so many options right? Maybe I'll actually get dressed and drag the girls to JoAnn's and wander to find something to possibly spark my interest. Hahaha, maybe I'll walk out with a sewing machine? Doubtful, I would know how to plug it in but thats about it.
Any suggestions on a hobby? Something to keep me occupied? Nothing completely crazy and not ridiculously expensive. And something I can quickly throw-down in case my rugrats are getting into something, like usual.
I am getting bored sitting here twiddling my thumbs..
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