Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The things I hate the most!

Do you ever feel the need to vent? But can't even put into words you want to vent about? Maybe its because I'm overly tired and just over things today so I am a bit more crabby and more irritated then usual. Most days I'm fantastic laughing and having fun with the girls but today everything is getting to me today. Hopefully when it gets to be afternoon and the temp goes up a bit the park with the girls will clear me of my horrible mood. So a list of my annoyances today:

1. Colorado Drivers- I have meant to complain about this but keep forgetting. I swear I have never had road rage until living here. Colorado has the world's worst drivers and if we could just run into the people who pull out in front of you making you slam on your breaks I wouldn't even think twice about it. They don't know how to merge, can't read speed signs, when a light is green it means to break through it. The left lane on the highway is obviously drive whatever speed you want even though there are specific signs all up and down the highway saying keep right left lane is meant for passing. Instead you have 3 lanes of traffic and 3 cars driving 55 all in a row. Or you have the morons who ride your ass thinking its your fault traffic is slow you finally get past the slow morons and they speed off going 100. Cause thats as safe as the idiots who drive too slow. People don't know what blinkers are here either. And one of the biggest things that piss me off why in the hell are you going to cut in front of me when there is not a single person behind me but you choose to cut into the space where there is barely even a car length between the car in front of me causing me to slam on my breaks and yes I will be swearing up a storm at you and using my horn. So its pretty simple drive the actual speed limit, pay attention and know when the right time to come over into another lane, use your blinker, and for the love of god keep right if you are going to drive 50 on the highway there are some of us who have places to go and would like to get there at a decent time. Oh and lastly you live in freaking COLORADO you should know how to drive in snow!!! Riding your break, driving 30, and riding the person's ass in front of you seriously and people wonder why there are multiple accidents every single day in this damn city....Colorado Drivers you all suck and need to go back to driving school.

2. I hate people- That doesn't mean everyone. There are quite a few people that I love and appreciate more then anything. The people I hate are the ones who think they are entitled to everything, that the world revolves around them, and that we all owe them everything. I hate people who make tons of excuses for their "problems" but don't get off their asses and fix them rather complain. Also people who ask for advice you give it to them and then they completely disregard everything you have said, why ask for advice if you already know what you are going to do in the first place? Please, don't waste my time. I hate people who think just because they read my blog, look at my pictures, or see what on my Facebook they all of sudden know everything about me, my husband, and our daughters. Yes I do tell a lot but that doesn't mean you know me as a person in the least bit. Take what I write but then if you are going to form an opinion or think you have any right to even talk about me, you're wrong. Get to know me or my family first then after you actually know us then talk all you want. And to be completely honest if you are going to talk poorly about us how could you possibly think that it wouldn't get back to us? And do you really think we want people like you in our lives? Get real! I hate rude people, sorry I'm in a store with 2 little girls but they do use their manners if they get in your way (on accident), they will say sorry and excuse me and I will as well. So if you are going to get in our way then turn around and glare like its our fault I should let me daughter walk in front of you and zig zag through the store like she does. She isn't even 3 yet and has better manners then you. Also is it really that hard to say "thank you" when me a mother with 2 children in tow hold the door open for you? Sorry next time I'll make sure to let it go in your face. And people wonder why this world sucks so much? Maybe if we were all a little nicer, didn't always think that their way is the only way, and instead of bitching actually took matters into their own hands and were more proactive at figuring things out instead of thinking that someone else should do it for them.

3. I hate cleaning and I hate laundry. The only time I will like them is when my house is clean the laundry is done and I didn't have to do it. Yes somedays I don't mind doing it but every single second of the day get real there are a billion of other things I rather be doing then scrubbing the toilet or folding someone else's underwear. But I do it not because I want to but rather because I can't stand living in a dirty house. Yes it may be messy but lets be real here I have 2 little girls another one on the way, a husband, and 2 animals. Messy is one thing but dirty is a completely different. Yes 80% of the time my floor is going to be sticky sorry I mop constantly but didn't you know the rule that a clean floor is a magnet to a little kid to spill something? After I vacuum I guarantee 20 minutes later you will find crumbs on the floor once again same rule with the mop clean floors bring a mess. Its just a fact of life us mom's have accepted. But don't get that message wrong just because my house may look like this doesn't mean my children and us as parents don't have respect for your house. Its expected for my girls to pick up any toys that they may have been playing with, I will watch them its not your job to babysit, if they make a mess, spill food, or a drink I will be right there with paper towel making sure its all picked up. My children will use manners when you offer them something. And if you have a problem with them coming over just say that versus beating around the bush. Either we can find a babysitter or we can find something better to do then be at your house where my well behaved children aren't welcome. Yes I understand some circumstances a babysitter is better but not always.

4. Last one I honestly hate talking on the phone. Don't take it personal there are only like 3 people I really don't mind talking to Billy, my mom and dad. Really its just difficult for me to talk on the phone with the girls running around, screaming and getting into everything and once again same principle with the clean floors they see a phone at my ear and they think its prime time to come talk to me or ask for something. Send me a message on facebook, email, text I will respond 100x times faster that way. Sometimes a phone call is quicker and easier if its a couple minutes that fine but if you just want to chat I probably won't answer.

Well I must say I am very happy to get that all of my chest. I feel much better. Even though I do complain about the most random things I am so extremely appreciative for those of you in our lives. It really does brighten my day seeing your messages and comments. I am constantly laughing and smiling and it does help so much. I know that I may forget to say thank you or show my appreciation sometimes but I do think it and I mean it when I say we really do have the best support system around. There are so many different things going on in our little world right now and I love all of you there are here to go on the ride with us. So much love to each and every one of you who have been understanding, supportive, and haven't judged us once instead just gave us nothing but love through the ups and downs. Thank you! I promise all of it will be reciprocated and your kindness will pay off in the end.

xoxoxo Danyelle

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