I always say that I am going to keep up with my blog then life gets in the way and its gets pushed to the furthest part of my brain. I miss writing in here. Its such a release and I love being able to share whats going on in our lives in my own words. So a must do is to keep up with this. I will keep up with it...(maybe..ha)
I can't believe its 2012 and already February. I know I always say this but honestly where has the time gone? I swear sometimes I am just standing still and life is just zooming past me. SO much has happened in just the last 4-5 months.
Billy came home on an extended leave at the end of October, he made it in time for Halloween! He was here for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and even the New Year. Which I will be forever grateful for those special moments we are able to spend together as a family when I know so many who aren't able to do that. We had the best time ever. So many wonderful moments, so many laughs, and just overall amazing time. But thats how it always is when we are all together. Nobody else matters but the 4 of us. We of course have our ups and down but for the most part always ups. I am so thankful that I have the most supportive, understanding, loving, caring, hilarious, sexy ;) husband a wife could ever ask for. (There are a billion more adjectives I could use to describe him but I won't use anymore don't want to embarrass him too much). I am thankful everyday that he is in my life. Yes its rough having him away but how much he loves me and I love him it makes up for all the time he is gone. When I get that phone call after not hearing from him in a while, or even just an email saying his okay makes my entire day and its just one of those things where its just a little bit easier to keep pushing on through this deployment. This deployment has had its rough moments with people who are supposed to be close and supportive of us really making life hard for me. It makes me question every thing I do but I have come to terms that I can't make everyone happy, its not my job to do so. I don't owe anyone anything and nobody should think they are entitled to anything. I make you all apart of our lives because I want to not because I have to. I have separated myself from those people because who really needs those in their life? If you can't support us as a whole or think that I am the "mastermind" behind the family you are wrong. Yes when Billy is away I do have to make the majority of our families decisions but each decision is carefully decided and I take into consideration what his opinion would be or what he would think is best. And if anything I wait until we talk so I can ask him what he thinks WE should do. And a lot of the time decisions that pertain to him he decides those, how is it my choice to make when its something that deals with him? If he wants you to know he will tell you, he is more then capable of typing on the computer or making a phone call. And if he wants me to tell things, gosh you should all know that I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut so soon as I get an okay I am blabbering away! I just have a really hard time with people thinking that they know everything that is going on in our lives when they really don't know that much. Or people thinking they have a right to talk to me poorly or talking about me behind my back when they don't even have a justifiable reason to do so. I am so very thankful for the amazing support I have from my husband in these hard decisions and choices I have to make. Thankfully he does understand and even though he is so far away is always there to listen and he is there offering advice and telling me it is okay to make those decisions and would never be mad at me for the ones that I have made. So thankful for him, I am beyond lucky that I have found such an amazing man. I love our life together and its so exciting, fun, passionate, enjoyable, comfortable, it just feels right and there isn't a single person who was made for me more then him.
During the time Billy was here we found out I was pregnant, yes again. This baby is our last this baby making machine is out of commission after this one. Fingers crossed we have finally gotten our boy, if not we already know we make amazing little girls. :) I had my first OB appointment a couple weeks ago and my due date has been moved up to August 14th. So with me having a c-section it puts is about August 7th. But who knows I went into labor earlier then that with Makenna so maybe a repeat? LOL I would be so amused if it was the 3rd! (My mom's birthday is Aug. 1 and Billy's is Aug.2 so to have the baby the 3rd..would definitely make things interesting) I will be finding out the sex while I am in Michigan next month. I don't want to be alone for such a big appointment. So excited to have my parents there...But don't think any of you will be finding out what we are having. I made a promise to Billy that I will not say anything until he finds out first. And I also promised the girls and I will only be 2 things for the baby. Stubborn man! ;) But we have the carseat, bassinet, swing, etc already all picked out. And I am in LOVE with it. I also found a new stroller that I want so bad but its like $300+ dollars. (so that is something I definitely have to work him on..)
Next month we will be in Michigan! WOOHOO vacation. I am beyond excited and wish this month would just get over with already. I am ready to just getaway for a while and enjoy family and friends. We will also be there for Nevaeh's 3rd birthday. Yes thats right she is going to be 3. Gosh makes me feel OLD! I swear she is 3 going on 10 sometimes with the way she talks and/or says things to me sometimes. I am in for it because she already has the attitude down perfectly. She is very excited to go to Grandma and Grandpa's its so finny the things she associates with them. She has already asked to go to the beach since last time we were there it was summer...So she automatically assumes it will be nice when we go. I have to take her 3 year pictures soon and get birthday invitations out. Just wait until you see the theme! 100% Nevaeh. lol
Makenna is just Makenna. Constantly making me laugh and always wanting to cuddle. I am definitely not complaining about that. She is talking like crazy even though she is always silent when I try to get her to talk on Skype or over the phone. I promise she isn't mute! She is getting so big and she is definitely the one who is not afraid of anything. I am forever having to watch her because she likes to explore and climb everywhere. She definitely gets that from the both of us. But its great motivation for Nevaeh who can be a bit reserved once she sees Makenna doing something she cannot let her upstage her and has to do it too. They are the perfect combination together and make everyday worth it. <3
Life is falling into place right now and I'm just trying to take it all in. I cannot wait for Billy to be home sometime in May, our new addition in August. Then BIG things at the end of the year. Gosh its all so exciting and it sucks that it all seems so far away. Life is going by so fast but the moments I want to get to seem so far away. I don't want to rush things but I much rather have Billy home with us to enjoy it all.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE reading your blogs! Makes me wish I lived right next door and we could get the kids together all the time! Their slippers are just adorable! What is this BIG thing??? I cannot wait to hear!