Wednesday, June 22, 2011

William Alfred

William Alfred on patrol


So the main point of this post was just putting pictures up of the patrols William has been on. They are definitely staying extremely busy from patrols and pulling guard its none stop. He does get a free minute here and there to workout, call us, and skype. We are very thankful for that. Most of the time when we do get to talk it cuts into his sleeping time. So we really appreciate the fact that he does that for us. Makenna gets so excited when she sees daddy on the computer, Nevaeh has her good days and bad days. Some days she will have entire conversations with him, then other days she hides her face and just stares at him. :/ This morning she asked where daddy was. I asked her back where he was..and she goes "Daddy bye bye, naughty boys." That was the best way I could explain to her where he was. That he had to go bye bye on an airplane and get the naughty boys! She understands on her level and misses him like crazy! She just gets into her moments where she will go on and on about him being gone and wanting to go in the cool car and get him.

So it will be a very special reunion when we see him again. Which will be sometime in March. That is when he is taking leave. Fingers crossed that he will be here for Nevaeh's 3rd bday. If he is that means he hasn't missed any of her birthdays, well except for her actual birth. So thats huge!! So only 9 months to go until that happens. :)

William walking through a creek

Here he is now climbing out of the creek.

This is their medic climbing over the wall. They obviously have a lot of obstacles to get where they are going. They can't take the easy way because of booby-traps.

Billy crossing through the water versus on the log.

This is Oberly going across the log to get to the other side. The thing of his back is a ladder so they can get over some of the really high walls they just can't climb over.

Walking through a creek.

Why do some areas have to look so pretty?

I hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we do. Billy also tells me that they grow just about everything there as well. They walk through tons of orchards and he has had grapes, peaches, hmm there was another fruit I can't remember what it was. But then they also grow corn. And he has even bought some from of the locals and he is just waiting on them to be delivered.

"You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you." - Frederick Buechner

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing! I know time will go by quickly for you!! you are already a month down well almost !! thats amazing!! I am so excited to see the pics of the homecomming! Prayers are with your family, and thank your husband you and your daughters for your sacrifice and service! I know you give up a lot!
